I admit that although I am a native Texan, I am not the biggest Rick Perry fan, however, I am a fan, follower and believer in Jesus Christ and as a follower, as well, one who believes everyone has the right to praise, acknowledge, worship and promote whatever “higher power” they serve it gets under my skin when someone “pokes fun” at someone else regarding their religious beliefs.
Smith makes it clear that she is no fan of Governor Perry or what he claims to believe in, although she never commented on her own beliefs, she is clear that she is tired of hearing about “Perry’s God.”Note, that I am the last person to sit around smiling at someone who continues to “beat a dead horse,” except when it comes to religion. I commend Governor Perry for not being ashamed to acknowledge that he does believe in some form of a “higher power,” and that regardless of the many turned noses and backlash he receives about his vocalism regarding his faith, he is not ashamed of that faith nor has he backed down on commenting about that faith, despite the negative feedback.
Let’s face it people, in “the end” there will be only one group of folks with their heads held high as to the decision they made throughout their lives on what “higher power” to follow. Many will perish at a time when it will be too late to “switch teams.” Whether Governor Perry will be amongst those “standing tall,” or “falling short,” is not up to me to comment on or judge for that matter, after all he is amongst many citizens of this country who has obtained the right to freely speak about his religion and beliefs. We can assuredly say that at least 67% of Texans are onboard the “Perry Ferry,” as estimated in a recent poll of Texas Perry supporters.“You Go,” Rick Perry for not being ashamed!
The God I serve makes it clear that, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels." –Mark 8:38 (NIV)That’s enough for me to back off Perry, and his associates, when it pertains to his prayer and religious statements.
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