Would anyone reading my article like a pay cut like the one that the Texas schools districts received from the state? Anyone? If you wouldn’t want that kind of cut, let me be the first of many who’d say, I’ll take a pay cut like the school districts got from the state, each and every month!
There has been allot in the news about the numerous cuts the Texas state government have made to the school districts. It seems typical that government entities whine about getting cuts, when in fact, their funding is increased. On the federal level you hear about "cuts" when the increases aren't high enough. This is the case with Texas schools as well. They have learned to whine and spin to the point of lying when it comes to money. In a recent article of The Dallas Morning News , Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst puts it well, without the spin: “Under the old law, we were expected to increase our funding for public education by $8 billion,” but Dewhurst also said recently at an event sponsored by the Texas Tribune, “We increased our funding for public education by almost $4 billion. Only in government if you expect an $8 billion increase and get $4 billion is that a cut.”
As well, in a November 18th article in The Austin American Statesmen there was a story about how the high school football programs are costing the school districts, rather than generating a positive revenue flow. The Richardson School district loses over $122,000 per school year. Maybe, rather than whining about cuts that are really an increase in funding of about $4 billion for the year that don’t support the areas where districts are struggling, the school districts and its administrators can properly compensate its teachers and educational staff and provide it’s students with the proper educational tools that would get them back to what the school system should be all about, the three "r's", riting, readin and rithmatic!